Wednesday, November 27, 2019

Free Essays on Dionysus

Zeus’ divine child relishes the happy life He loves peace who sheds happiness Peace who nurses admirable youths And gave of the rich and poor He hates those who do not do their best day and wondrous night to live happily. (Euripides, Bacchai 416-426) Dionysus has been called the Father of Wine, the Bringer of Virility, and the Patron of the Theatrical Arts, of which he is most well known for. Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, Iacchus, Bassareus, Trietenicus, and Liber, is credited for the creation of wine and theatre, yet his origins and earthly powers are vague and convoluted (Apiryon, 1). His origin has long been suspected to be in a fusion of a rural, local Greek nature god and another more potent god imported from Phrygia (central Turkey) or Thrace later in Greek prehistory (Gross, 1). Contradictory, Dionysus was one of the most important deities to the Greeks, yet historically he was rarely mentioned in writing. He was the Thracian, and eventually Greek, god of ecstasy, terror, guilt and atonement, death and resurrection, vegetation, trees, wine, madness, and drama. He also represented Eleusis: ecstasy, personal delivery from the world through physical or spiritual intoxication, and initiation into secret rites (1).To compreh end the complicated worship of this (once)nature deity, one must understand his origins, his followers, his holidays, and the evolution of the entire religion into the current form of theatre today. There are countless versions to the origins of Dionysus, and most continue in a common thread while contradicting each other. In the most profuse and popular tale, Dionysus was born of Zeus and Semele, a mortal woman whom Zeus had fallen in love with and the romance continued for many years. To no ones surprise, Semele became pregnant and rumors flew around Mt. Olympus. Eventually Hera, Queen of the gods and Zeus’ wife, discovered her husband’s secret affair with this human woman and became gree... Free Essays on Dionysus Free Essays on Dionysus DIONYSUS Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, is the son of the god Zeus and Semele. He is known as the twice-born god because Zeus unintentionally burned Semele on the account of Hera’s trickery and Dionysus died inside Semele. There are a few stories that come to his rebirth but the one that is most remembered in mythology is that Hermes took the heart of Dionysus and sew it into Zeus’s leg. After much persecution by Hera, Zeus finally became fed up with it and turned Dionysus into a god. Dionysus was the god of many things and some think that he is the most important god out of all of them which I for one agree with. To start he was the first god of fertility associated with plants and animals. For this he was known as â€Å"he of the trees†. He is also the god of wine, he had discovered this when he was in Nysa, also known as god of blossoms. This is where things get confusing. Dionysus is associated with both the life force and with death. He brings death, madness, and destruction to every where he goes and everyone that follows. However, paradoxically resurrection and life as well. For example; Dionysus drove Ino, his nurse, insane and she boiled her child alive, however she jumped into the sea and became a sea goddess. His mother, Semele, was burned alive but she joins Dionysus and other gods at Mount Olympus. By creating destruction in a way he is also creating life. Dionysus played an important role in helping life go on. He is the god of wine which in those days was a major thing to the Greeks and stimulated not only self worth and peoples lives but also stimulated procreation. The people that followed him would go mad, they would have parties and drink and let themselves go free without the common day worries and let life live. He is a god of the people. He understands them and the people that were his followers had a piece of him inside of them. He understood death like no other god could because he is the only ... Free Essays on Dionysus Zeus’ divine child relishes the happy life He loves peace who sheds happiness Peace who nurses admirable youths And gave of the rich and poor He hates those who do not do their best day and wondrous night to live happily. (Euripides, Bacchai 416-426) Dionysus has been called the Father of Wine, the Bringer of Virility, and the Patron of the Theatrical Arts, of which he is most well known for. Dionysus, also known as Bacchus, Iacchus, Bassareus, Trietenicus, and Liber, is credited for the creation of wine and theatre, yet his origins and earthly powers are vague and convoluted (Apiryon, 1). His origin has long been suspected to be in a fusion of a rural, local Greek nature god and another more potent god imported from Phrygia (central Turkey) or Thrace later in Greek prehistory (Gross, 1). Contradictory, Dionysus was one of the most important deities to the Greeks, yet historically he was rarely mentioned in writing. He was the Thracian, and eventually Greek, god of ecstasy, terror, guilt and atonement, death and resurrection, vegetation, trees, wine, madness, and drama. He also represented Eleusis: ecstasy, personal delivery from the world through physical or spiritual intoxication, and initiation into secret rites (1).To compreh end the complicated worship of this (once)nature deity, one must understand his origins, his followers, his holidays, and the evolution of the entire religion into the current form of theatre today. There are countless versions to the origins of Dionysus, and most continue in a common thread while contradicting each other. In the most profuse and popular tale, Dionysus was born of Zeus and Semele, a mortal woman whom Zeus had fallen in love with and the romance continued for many years. To no ones surprise, Semele became pregnant and rumors flew around Mt. Olympus. Eventually Hera, Queen of the gods and Zeus’ wife, discovered her husband’s secret affair with this human woman and became gree... Free Essays on Dionysus Son of Zeus and Semele, also known in both Greek and Latin as Bacchus. According to Ovid, when his mother was killed Zeus snatched her unborn child and sewed him into his own thigh. The Homeric Hymn to Dionysos (1) gives variant versions of his birth. He is unusual in that he has a mortal mother, the story of Semele places his birth much later than those of the other gods. Several stories tell of the fate of mortals who refused to recognised or accept Dionysos, as in Euripides' Bacchae. Apollodorus, Bibliotheca, 3.5 and Homer, Iliad, 6 tell the story of Lykourgos, a Thracian king who tried to expel Dionysos and was driven mad. Homeric Hymn to Dionysos, 7 tells of the fate of mortals who failed to recognise him. He was captured by pirates but made a vine grow on the ship and transformed himself into a lion. The pirates ended up as dolphins. As these stories suggest, Dionysos is often depicted as travelling throughout Greece, often arriving from the east. As knowledge of the world to the east expanded with Alexander's campaigns as far as India, so did the regions from which Dionysos was thought to arrive in Greece. In the Hellenistic and Roman periods he was depicted as arriving in triumph from India, accompanied by exotic animals. Dionysos is the god of wine and song and is usually depicted in art and literature accompanied by maenads, satyrs and silens. The maenads often carry parts of animals they have torn apart in their frenzy. This is how he is described by Catullus and Ovid when he arrives on the island of Naxos to rescue Ariadne. At Athens tragedy was performed at the festival of Dionysos (Dionysia). The Anthesteria was a festival which commemorated the death of Ikarios the first man to introduce wine to Attica. His countrymen killed him when they felt the effects of the drink and thought he had poisoned them. Ikarios' daughter, Erigone, hanged herself (Apollodoros, 3.14.7). Dionysos was also associated wit...

Saturday, November 23, 2019

The 10 Commandments, Die Zehn Gebote in German

The 10 Commandments, Die Zehn Gebote in German Martin Luther wrote a well-known version of die zehn Gebote. The English Ten Commandments are from the King James version of the Bible (Exodus 20:7-17). Das Erste Gebot, the First Commandment Ich bin der Herr, dein Gott. Du sollst keine anderen Gà ¶tter haben neben mir.I am the Lord God. Thou shalt have no other Gods before me. Das Zweite Gebot, the Second Commandment Du sollst den Namen des Herrn, deines Gottes, nicht missbrauchen.Thou shalt not take the name of the Lord thy God in vain. Das Dritte Gebot, The Third Commandment Du sollst den Feiertag heiligen.Thou shalt remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy. Das Vierte Gebot, the Fourth Commandment Du sollst deinen Vater und deine Mutter ehren.Thou shalt honor thy father and thy mother. Das Fà ¼nfte Gebot, the Fifth Commandment Du sollst nicht tà ¶ten.Thou shalt not kill. Das Sechste Gebot, the Sixth Commandment Du sollst nicht ehebrechen.Thou shalt not commit adultery. Das Siebte Gebot, the Seventh Commandment Du sollst nicht stehlen.Thou shalt not steal. Das Achte Gebot, the Eighth Commandment Du sollst nicht falsch Zeugnis reden wider deinen Nchsten.Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbor. Das Neunte Gebot, the Ninth Commandment Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nchsten Haus.Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors house. Das Zehnte Gebot, the Tenth Commandment Du sollst nicht begehren deines Nchsten Weib, Knecht, Magd, Vieh noch alles, was dein Nchster hat. Thou shalt not covet thy neighbors wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his cattle, nor anything that is thy neighbors. Sources 2. Mose - Kapitel 20. Die Zehn Gebote, Bibel-Online, 1996. Exodus. Holy Bible, King James Version. Chapter 20, King James Bible Online, 2019.

Thursday, November 21, 2019

Business Process Management Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 6000 words

Business Process Management - Essay Example This essay declares that business process orientation (BOP) enhances performance by sensitising managers to embrace a process view in their businesses. This process has been of a major importance to businesses as it reduces conflicts among workers thus improving relationships in the business environment. The process is also a method that has been introduced in order to replace the hierarchical method that had been used in the early 1980s where the entire subordinate was under one manager as their boss. This past method has now been developed to a cooperative, flat method and which involves more processes This paper rmakes a conclusion that the Reduction of inventory in companies using the program in addition to cost savings enables these companies to pay for the expenses incurred in the installation of the system by the end of the second financial year. SAP ERP system mostly deals with the assimilation of data and for a company to improve this it has to concentrate in using one kind of merchant that will be used to distribute the elements that are installed in the program for example to human resources. The advantages of SAP ERP system to an organisation include; the system facilitates international integration of information which deals with exchange rates, culture used in different regions and the language. People are in a position of working effectively and thus develop their skills and motivation.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

Necessity of Philosophy of Education for Teachers or Educators Essay

Necessity of Philosophy of Education for Teachers or Educators - Essay Example There are essential differences between man and animal, which makes â€Å"education’ possible for man and one can only train animal (Vargas, 1994, p.273). It makes possible The philosophy of education can be of forms as realism, idealism, existentialism or pragmatism and implications can be drawn by one for teaching, education, curriculum, learning or other important issues of education (Orteza and Miranda, 2001, p.3). There are four major educational philosophies on the properties of knowledge and the way of knowing it within the frame of epistemology. These approaches of educational philosophy are recently used in the classrooms widely all over the world. These philosophies are Perennialism, Essentialism, Progressivism and Reconstructionism. These philosophical issues concentrate heavily on the curriculum aspects of WHAT should be taught (Crookes, 2009, p.85). The aim of this education is to consolidate the fact that teachers or educators gain knowledge of great Western civ ilization ideas. The ways to solve problems in any era is hidden in these ideas. The aim is to share ideas that are everlasting, to search for enduring truth that are constant, as the human and natural world at the most essential level remain unchanged (Ornstein, 2012, p. 431). Essentialism: It is believed by the essentialists that there is a common cluster of knowledge that should be transmitted to teachers in a constructive way. Intellectual and moral standards are the two bases in the conservative perspective on which emphasis is given. Essential knowledge and academic rigor and skills are the major arena of the curriculum. Essentialists accept the idea of probable changes in the core curriculum (Ornstein, 2012, p.431) Progressivists: Progressivists believes that the whole child should be focused for the education, rather than focusing on the content or the teacher. Reconstructionism: Social Reconstructionism, a philosophy that put stress on the quest and addressing of social que stions to construct worldwide democracy and better society (Cohen, 1999). Teachers do teaching and the institutions where they work have a purpose that deeply concerns education (Langford, 1978, p.3). Successful teachers do have their respective philosophies and they are quite strong ones. Sometimes, the teachers themselves are not aware of their own philosophy or the reason behind their success. But it is the philosophy that affects everything they do all the day. It would be amazing if all teachers â€Å"flowed through the day† to handle all our tasks with great ease and naturally, but it is us who have to do all our appointed works. Today in several occasions, the beliefs of parents and students are really strong and presume an important influence on what a teacher can do and cannot do. A part of those beliefs are cultural, some are religious and some others are utter nonsense, but all of them must be confronted, handled and addressed individually. A teacher could face a s ituation in the class to which might have no clue and probably he is not going to learn about how to handle them. This is where an essentiality for philosophy lies for the educators. If teachers make too many hard and fast rules for which they are not willing, ready or able to back up, consequence might push them right into a corner. Because there will always be someone to test the teachers regarding their rules to see if they really mean it. A teacher will be tested everyday, in fact many a times in a day. If they do not follow through, they are not only going to lose the battle, but also a lot of respect as well. Among the first things that teachers need to do first is to determine the kind of things that are important enough to have a strong philosophy about. New teachers build up their philosophy slowly at first, as they start gaining confidence and strength they will make choices and changes in their beliefs that are well thought out, based on good judgments, innovated in exper ience and beneficial to

Sunday, November 17, 2019

Observations of Realists Essay Example for Free

Observations of Realists Essay 1) Are the observations of Realists, such as Hans Morgenthau, accurate in respect to their assessment of the importance of international law in contemporary world politics? Realists such as Hans Morgenthau and more recently Lloyd Gruber, base their theories on the assumption individuals, and hence states, act rationally to protect their own interests, the national interest. They believe states exist in a world of anarchy without an over arching authority. While this may be the case and it certainly is for some states, it is a theory that requires review within the context of the modern world and international law. In the world of bi-polar power during the Cold War, Morgenthau’s views interpreted the global climate accurately, however it is now short sighted in our time of globalization. Multi-National Corporations (MNC), Inter-Governmental Organisations (IGO) and Non-Government Organisations (NGO) play a very large part on the world stage and influence countries, economies and conflicts. Meanwhile younger theories are tending to consider the state and the world’s political climate as a holistic, interactive entity. Increased access to communication, social media and increased global wealth serve to provide an environment for a better financed and informed NGO. Yet even the UN, it’s efficacy being constantly brought into doubt, plays a vital role in establishing norms and standards with the global stakeholders. These developing theories document our planet’s political interaction and development and as such are constantly in a state of change. Sometimes in-sync with current standards such as international law and other times, not. Taking into account realism is one of the more established theories of international relations, we have to also consider the global climate in which the theory was established and compare that to now. Hans Morgenthau was born in Coburg, Germany 1904 and experienced two world worlds. He and his predecessors experienced states as the only actors in world politics. The United Kingdom was exiting her great period of colonisation and was witnessing the unraveling of her empire. Meanwhile Germany was rebuilding and rising in global status. The world was experiencing a transition into industry and moving away from the traditional agriculturally driven economies. Throughout this time, the average person’s existence was more concerned with subsistence. Overseas phone calls and intercontinental travel were beyond the average person’s reach. The importance of setting the scene here is to understand globalisation was in its infancy. To understand this helps to shape the importance other actors in world politics play. Instant communications, the Internet and global travel have made the world a smaller place. Activists, such as Green Peace, can now influence states. So much so, the Rainbow Warrior, Green Peace’s flagship, was sunk by the French spy agency, Directorate-General for External Security (DGSE), in July 1985, killing a photographer. This is an extreme example of NGO influence, yet it cannot be denied that to bomb a civilian ship highlights the pressure Green Peace was placing on the international stage. Realism does not take into account all variables acting upon the state in today’s day and age. When established, realism existed in a time of strong state actors. Today, with the ending of the Cold War that line has blurred, NGOs etc†¦ have filled that void. To understand the motivation behind the establishment of these organisations helps us to understand the influence they have. For instance, Oxfam, Amnesty International and the like have their basis within a moral social consciousness. Therefore, it’s easy to see why theories, such as Social Constructivism, focus on a world shaped by the influences of a nation’s shared beliefs, culture and values. As democracy extends further and nations adopt a capitalist model to fit into the global model, the demands to maintain a balanced, humane society increase. Governments feel this pressure and so, act accordingly. An argument by Social Constructionist such as Barnett and Finnemore is that IGOs have the real power. As I will show later using the US invasion of Iraq, governments still have the final say on their actions, although IGOs, NGOs and MNCs play a very large role in influencing them. Having stated this, one may counter argue this implies it is still a state verses state environment (Realism), however, the world has still evolved into government verses government verses IGOs, NGOs and MNCs, henceforth realism cannot not explain the actions of governments alone and must consider the external influences. Constructivism does so, but places the power into the hands of IGOs and the like. An alternative needs to be sought. Alternatives such as the European Union, which remains â€Å"†¦the most successful experiment in political institution-building since the Second World War. Andrew Moravcsik goes on to say the EU cannot replace or aspire to the democratic status of nation states, yet their role remains embedded in monitoring accountability and extensive checks and balances upon its member states. Emerging actors such as the EU again demonstrate the changing environment and clearly indicate realist theories, must by reconsidered. Focusing on the institutions such as the International Monetary Fund and the World Bank, we can cite several occasions in which their influence has shaped global politics, whether for selfish or selfless motivations. The concept of poverty alleviation was raised by the World Bank during the 1960’s and saw the World Bank â€Å"sell poverty alleviation to members through a mixture of persuasion and coercion. † The Ford Foundation established a report highlighting the successes of poverty alleviation and cited their own programs, many of which were to governmental organizations. The report also stated poverty alleviation programs were ineffectual and implied corruption. Albeit, this report was funded by the Ford Foundation to report on its own programs, yet I was under the impression they were given freedom to report accurately. Even though the Ford Foundation was established by Henry Ford’s son, and not the company itself, it still represents the power and influence a MNC can exert. These reports are not controversial, but it does go towards forming an image about governments and it is in this way influence is exerted. Furthermore, the actions of the Ford Foundation to fund relief programs, brings into question the effectiveness and validity of IGO programs. Probably the largest non-state actor is the United Nations (UN). It’s governance covers many areas of international concern, United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF), World Food Program (WFP), United Nations Development Program (UNDP), United Nations High Commission for Refugees (UNHCR), United Nations Education, Scientific and Cultural Organisation (UNESCO), etc†¦. As a consequence, its membership is extensive. Whether the member states take their affiliation with the UN and it’s associated bodies seriously or whether they use them as a vehicle for their own means is irrelevant. In either case, the mere existence of this relationship affects the outcomes of global politics. While UN peace keeping missions and other security programs are a subject for debate into the validity of the UN, it cannot be argued that President Bush’s attempts to have the invasion of Iraq sanctioned in 2003 was an attempt to the have the US’s actions deemed as â€Å"right’ within the eyes of the global audience. The fact the US then ignored the UN’s recommendation is irrelevant, the mere attempt to legitimize the US’s actions implies the states are now not the only actors within global politics. This occurrence in itself indicates in itself realism is becoming outdated and the need to consider a more holistic approach. While it can be argued the UN is an Inter-Governmental Organisation (IGO) and is therefore a part or rather a stage for governments to act upon. It must be noted the sovereignty of states, upon which realism is based, does not exist within the UN. The UN is a global entity upon which sovereign states are members, the UN in itself has now physical bounds and by its title, implies the uniting of nations as a common theme. The Neorealist and Structural Realism models may be more applicable in that they balance of power among states is considered in the UN forum, however, true Realist theories, such as those proposed by Morgenthau, are becoming less relevant based upon the increase in non-governmental actors. The development of the Realist theory and subsequent â€Å"neo† theories show a development of thinking and a mark of the time in which they were contrived. These theories cannot be accurate moving into the future as the benchmarks upon which they are based change with the development of the world, it’s technology and it’s people. They can however, allow us to isolate specific elements of global relations, regardless of the time they were developed. I foresee a more holistic approach to global government and non-governmental relationships develop. This will allow us to consider all of the relevant stakeholders while incorporating the best of each perspective, whether it comes from a sociological, economic or political basis. Realist theories are accurate to a degree regarding world politics, however the influence they now hold on international law and global governance has become less. The role of non-state actors, facilitated by the expansion of communications and travel, namely globalization, has given rise to organisations, which previously were unable to exist. Their power varies greatly within the influence they have upon governments of the world, yet they do influence. In a world where the occupants are more aware and hold their respective governments to account for their actions, these nations cannot afford to ignore the influence of the new players in the game.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Noise Pollution Essay -- Cause Effect Noise Environment Essays

Noise Pollution Abstract No one on earth can escape the sounds of noise- an unwanted, disturbing sound that causes a nuisance in the eye of the beholder. Noise is a disturbance to the human environment that is escalating at such a high rate that it will become a major threat to the quality of human lives. In the past thirty years, noise in all areas, especially in urban areas, have been increasing rapidly. There are numerous effects on the human environment due to the increase in noise pollution. In the following paper, the cause and effects of noise pollution will be presented in some detail. Slowly, insensibly, we seem to accept noise and the physiological and psychological deterioration that accompanies it as an inevitable part of our lives. Although we attempt to set standards for some of the most major sources of noise, we often are unable to monitor them. Major sources of noise can be airplanes at takeoff and landing, and a truck just off the assembly line, yet we seem accept and enjoy countless other sounds, from hard rock music to loud Harley Davidson motor cycles. The following areas will be investigated in some detail; adolescent education, neural-effects, sleep, hearing damage, occupational environment, transportation, and physiological effects. Introduction Almost everyone has had one experience of being temporarily "deafened" by a loud noise. This "deafness" in not permanent, although it is often accompanied by a ringing in the ears, and one can hear another person if he raises his voice. Likewise, normal hearing comes back within a few hours at most. This sort of partial hearing loss is called Temporary Threshold Shift (TTS) (Bugliarello, et al., 1976). A TTS may be experienced after firing a gun or... ...aft Noise and Psychiatric Hospital Admissions Conducted in the Same Area. Psychol. Med Vol. 9: 681-693. Maser, A.; Sorensen,; and Krypter, K. 1978. Effects of Intrusive Sound on Classroom Behavior: Data from a Successful Lawsuit. San Francisco. Peterson, W. H. and Northwood, T. D. 1981. Noise raised blood pressure without impairing auditory sensitivity. Science Vol. 211: 1450-1452. United States National Industrial Pollution Control Council (NIPCC), 1970 Vallet, M. Psychophysiological 1979. Effects of Exposure to Aircraft or to Traffic Noise. Proc. Inst. Acoustics Vol. 3: 1-4. Von Bekesy, George. 1957. The Ear, Scientific American, 197: 61-67 Council on Environmental Quality. 1979. US Government Printing Office, Washington D.C. US Environmental Protection Agency. 1980. The Extent of the Noise Problem. WHO Report. 1990. UN Conference.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

History – Martin Luther King

Martin Luther King's Jr. was a man of great ambition. He had a dream of granting civil rights to colored people; eliminating poverty and war; and doing this all non-violently. King's utter passion significantly helped him achieve his dream. On the journey to reaching his goal, and after King accomplished many of the heroic archetypes. Therefore, one can consider Martin Luther King Jr. an archetypal hero. Segregation is the separation of humans into racial groups in daily life. Which then between the 1950s and 1960s black Americans had their time of suffering.In which the white people believed that separating white people from black people would change a lot of things. Racial tensions had escalated and demonstrations swelled for voting rights and school integration. In 1955 Martin Luther King became the leader in the Montgomery bus. The Community chose King to lead the boycott because the young minister was new to Montgomery and the city fathers had not had time to intimidate him. The protesters did a march down miles of roads for their intended to oppose the city's policy of racial segregation on its public transit system.Fighting for what they think is right taken them about 381 days; they fought hard until they get what they started. The Montgomery bus boycott became very violent, so they fought very hard in the court. On November the 13th, after a year of blood, sweat and tears gone. The U. S Supreme Court ruled in favour, of the blacks and segregated buses were declared unconstitutional. The Montgomery bus Boycott was finally over. The boycott was a success because they all protested until everyone had enough. They never gave up on what they fought was right. Most important was when the Negros had enough and they wanted their rights back.As they protested and done other things they had many supports. The problem of this was the civil rights movement in the United States; it was a long primarily nonviolent struggle to bring full civil rights and equality und er the law to all Americans. The movement has had a lasting impact on the United Sates Society. The Negros wanted to fight for their rights back because in many cities and towns, African-Americans were not allowed to share a taxi with whites or enter a building through the same entrance, and they thought well that is one selfish thing.They wanted the whites to accept them and be treated equally, by not their skin colour but the way that God created them. They thought that everyone is the same in different kind of way, â€Å"We all are human beings and all have something in common†. The Negros done lots of Protest and finally, that’s when Martin Luther King stood out and said what he thought was right for the world but mostly United State. King toured the country making speeches and urging more and more people to get involved in the civil rights movement .And as a result they finally got what they called rights. In 1964 the Civil Rights Act was passed because of Pressur e by the civil rights movement. It was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson. He said that â€Å"Every American citizen must have an equal right to vote. † The Civil Rights Act was passed away because of the votes they got were unspeakable. Seventy Percent said that it should be passed way and the thirsty percent said that it shouldn’t. As the vote was taken in and final, they could not do anything about it and it was officially passed.It meant so much to the black people because now the Freedom Riders and the black and white people would travel around in buses to test if the new law would work. And that now they can make a difference! Then in 1965 the voting rights act was passed as well because of the civil rights movement. The Voting Rights Act was passed by Lyndon B. Johnson as well. The Voting Rights Act of 1965 was a landmark piece of national legislation in the United States that outlawed discriminatory voting practices that had been responsible for the widespread disenfr anchisement of African Americans in the U.S. When Johnson agreed to sign the paper the black people knew that they were closer each day to success. It meant a lot them this because it was a day to remember that they are finally getting respect from the whites. But as everything was going well, there were still failures for the Civil Rights Movement too. The Civil Rights Movement had many failures as do all social movements. But its strengths outweighed the mistakes it made and its legacy as a whole is a positive one. Businesses owned by people of colour are still denied equal access to markets, financing, and capital.Centuries of economic deprivation, and the problems stemming from it, remain largely un- addressed. But it still was alright because Movement was still a success. In Conclusion, the changes that were made in the civil rights movement has really helped America and leaded them to a place where they can find peace. And for the Civil rights Groups, there is so much that peo ple have to say and so much that we still need to learn from you. They were very successful because they were the freedom fighter and they were the ones who believed and never gave up.

Sunday, November 10, 2019

The Management of Emotions

Managing emotions adequately is vitally important in practically every area of live. Children learn this skill first from the example of their parents. These skills are transferred to society as the child grows and broadens his or her connections with the outside world. Emotional management skills become increasingly important as the human being moves through life. In the workplace, both managers and employees need to adequately manage their emotions in order to successfully accomplish their diverse tasks. In personal life, emotional management is important in the home in order to raise healthy, balanced individuals who will in their turn function well in the workplace. Emotions are an integral part of humanity. The management of emotions is therefore a task that faces every person in every stage of life daily. It is unfortunate that emotional management is not a topic consciously dealt with at either the home or learning institutions. The result of strong, badly managed emotions is often conflict, according to the Conflict Research Consortium (1998). Emotional and conflict management are closely connected. Once the conflicting parties realize this, it is easier to focus on the steps necessary towards a resolution of the conflict. There are many professionals offering advice on adequately managing emotions. The Conflict Research Consortium for example focuses its advice on the issue of emotions and conflict. Conflict is more easily resolved, according to this premise, when the emotions involved are explored and understood. Once each party understands the other's emotions, the issue of conflict becomes simpler and indeed could be eradicated entirely. This is especially so in personal relationships. Parties involved in romantic or family relationships will most often benefit from exploring the emotion involved in conflict. Emotions are also frequently both the cause and result of interpersonal relationships in the workplace. The emphasis on increasing profits and remaining at the top of the business world can cause extreme stress for managers. This stress, if not adequately managed, often find an outlet in inadequately managed emotions. Employees suffer as a result and in turn are the victim of emotional outbursts and conflicts. Hence, the initial cause of badly managed emotions is stress. In workplace relationships, emotional management should therefore be integrated with several other elements to understand the inherent cause-and-effect relationships in each individual case. Ironically, emotional outbursts resulting from profit-related stress has exactly the opposite of the desired effect. According to Gerson (2002), a manager who makes a habit of berating and shouting at employees is unlikely to see a favorable profit margin. Gerson therefore recommends that a program be implemented to handle work-related stress and its concomitant emotions. Emotions are part of human life. So is change. The extreme and rapid changes in the world today adds to stress both in business and in general life. This increases the danger of emotions that manifest in unacceptable ways. In extreme cases, the failure to recognize the need for managing emotions may lead to crimes such as rape or even murder. This makes it clear that emotional management in today's fast-changing world has become of extreme importance. Learning to adequately handle emotions should first and consciously be taught at home and afterwards in learning institutions. This would benefit not only business, but also personal relationships and general society. In terms of business, employees who feel they are valued will perform better, work harder and create the revenue sought by managers. Managers therefore need to handle their emotions adequately to achieve this, as seen above. Children who never learn to manage their emotions are more likely to engage in criminal activities. Society benefits more greatly from stable, productive individuals. In order to achieve this, emotional management is of greatest significance in early home life and education.

Friday, November 8, 2019

Forrest Gump Plot Summary Essays

Forrest Gump Plot Summary Essays Forrest Gump Plot Summary Paper Forrest Gump Plot Summary Paper Plot Summary Forrest Gump is the story of an incredibly kind and gentle person who is also what some people might call mildly retarded. Its true that he is not too smart, but he is very fortunate, because he has a mother and friend who love him dearly. Forrest is born and raised in rural Alabama, in the Southern United States. He grows up with his mother, who rents out rooms in the family house to people traveling through the area. Despite his lack of sophistication, and the fact that he was raised far from any major cities, Forrest manages to become personally involved in most of the critical events that take place in American History from the late 1950s until the early 1980s. This includes the Vietnam War, the Watergate Scandal, the Civil Rights and Anti-Vietnam War protest movements, and the Computer Revolution. Forrest even meets three American Presidents as well as Elvis Presley and John Lennon. In a way, this movie is a look at a period of American history through the eyes of a gentle soul who lacks cynicism, but simply accepts things for what they are. Ultimately, it is about the relationships that Forrest develops through his life. With his mother, who will do anything for him, with his two best friends from his days in the army, Bubba and Lieutenant Dan, and most of all, with Jenny, his true childhood sweetheart. Jenny experiences the changes in American culture from a totally different perspective than Forrest, eventually joining the various protest movements and subcultures of the 1960s and 70s. : But in the end, she is faithful to her childhood friend, whose sincerity, kindness and loyalty she would find in no other person. A special note on language usage: Since much of the movie is narrated by Forrest, you should be careful to not internalize the ungrammatical aspects of his personal way of speaking. Aside from the obvious use of double-negatives, Forrest also tends to conjugate the past tense of to be incorrectly, saying we was instead of we were. www. eslnotes. com/movies/html/forrest-gump. html

Tuesday, November 5, 2019

10 Common ESL Mistakes

10 Common ESL Mistakes 10 Common ESL Mistakes 10 Common ESL Mistakes By Guest Author This is a guest post by Pratiti Diddi. If you want to write for Daily Writing Tips check the guidelines here. Learning a new language is never easy. Below you will find ten common mistakes among students of English as a second language. Even if you are a native English speaker I guess you could use a reminder on some of them. Incorrect: My sister is photographer. Correct: My sister is a photographer. Incorrect: It is more cold today. Correct: It is colder today. Incorrect: I have told you all what I know. Correct: I have told you all (that) I know. Incorrect: Which is the biggest city of the world? Correct: Which is the biggest city in the world? Incorrect: I have done a mistake. Correct: I have made a mistake. Incorrect: I have been here since three days. Correct: I have been here for three days. Incorrect: We waited one and a half hour. Correct: We waited one and a half hours. Incorrect: According to me, it’s a bad film. Correct: In my opinion, it’s a bad film. Incorrect: It’s getting winter. Correct: Its getting to be winter. Incorrect: Except Angie, everybody was there. Correct: Except for Angie, everybody was there. Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the Grammar category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:50 Rhetorical Devices for Rational WritingTaser or Tazer? Tazing or Tasering?Adverbs and Hyphens

Sunday, November 3, 2019

Web Site Evaluation Criteria Assignment Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2750 words

Web Site Evaluation Criteria - Assignment Example than the rest. Similarly, one needs to design a web site keeping in view the effectiveness & usefulness of the web site as also the appeal. This is so because in many cases the appeal of the web site determines the success and usually gets the maximum number of hits from visitors. In the current paper, it is proposed to evaluate one such web site on the basis of certain aspects and criterion that will be used to determine the effectiveness and appeal of these various features. The web site that is proposed to be evaluated is unique in its own sense in that it plays a crucial role by attempting to teach ancient Vedic philosophy to members of the younger generation using modern digital media techniques. For designing this web site, a lot of attention has been provided towards using requisite animation techniques that are known to draw young minds. Basically, the web site will be evaluated for a set of seven criteria that will be used to prove the web site's worthiness. All these factors that have been assessed will be discussed one by one in detail: Accuracy of Web Documents: The first aspect that will be used to assess the web site happens to be the level of accuracy that is maintained in the web sites. This part of the evaluation will determine whether the author who wrote the web page would be available for contact. The purpose for having published the document, as also the reason for producing it should be elucidated. Lastly, it is also deemed appropriate to determine whether the person is qualified to write this document.Firstly, the web site hosts an online forum wherein all those people who posts their messages would be able to see each other's contact details through the use of hyperlinks. This is shown in the figure following this paragraph. Secondly, the reason for having designed and produced this web site is to provide the younger generation an alternate medium to imbibe philosophical thinking in them so as to enable them to follow the righteous path. The author of this web site has been studying Vedic literature sin ce a long time and is well-versed with its teachings. In addition, the author happens to be a graduate student in Digital Media production, which would imply that he is aware of the latest animation techniques. All these capabilities on the part of the author simply point towards the fact that he is a right person to take up the job.Fig: The online Forum. Authority of web documents: under the authority of the web documents, it is to be ascertained whether the person who published the web site is different from the Webmaster (Deitel & Deitel, 2006). Therefore, this part aims at establishing the credentials of the creator of the web site. The domain that currently plays host to the web pages of the site under study also need a mention in this section. To be specific, the URL (uniform Resource locator) of the web site that currently supplies the web pages on demand is to be mentioned here.For the present web site, the author is responsible for maintaining the website (therefore, he is the site's Webmaster). The web site has been hosted under the domain name- Objectivity of Web Documents: by evaluating the objectivity of the web site, it is meant that the goals/objectives for designing the web page are being discussed under this section (McDougall Littell, 2006). It will also be noted whether the information in the web page is posted in a detailed fashion. Whether the author has tried to express any views/opinions would also be discussed (LaJean Humphries, 2005). This is because the web page could be biased, usually with the

Friday, November 1, 2019

A Comparison of two poems based on the same thematic concern Essay

A Comparison of two poems based on the same thematic concern - Essay Example All these are used differently by poets to portray the message that they intend to even when the subject matter at hand is the same. Both Dylan Thomas and Wilfred Owen have based their poems, ‘Do Not Go Gentle into the Good Night’ and ‘Disabled’ respectively, on the subject matter of death. To portray this theme, both poets have effectively used language and different literary devices like repetition and similes. Despite the fact that they portray the same thematic concerns, the literary devices have been used in different ways to signify different aspects. This paper will compare and contrast the two poems based on the use of literary devices. Similes have been used as literary devices in both poems. In the poem ‘Do Not Go Gentle into that Good Night’, the use if simile is evident in the line ‘blind eyes could blaze like meteors and be gay’. Here, Thomas compares blind eyes to meteors, the word blaze signifies the fact that blind m en burn with a zest for life and do not give up. The simile shows that even though blind men may be helpless, they still strive to live and not die. This contributes to the theme in that many people do not wish to die. ‘Saddening like a hymn’ is the simile in the poem ‘disabled’. Sadness is being compared to something so happy like a hymn.